
First-Time Client Manager Setup

Updated: 2022-11-29

We always recommend setting up your folder structure before configuring a Client Manager server, as the wizard uses this information to determine where files reside. See Folder Options.

Choose Your Setup

How you choose to set up the Client Manager on a given computer depends on whether you want to share it with others across your office, and whether you want to create a server or connect to an existing server.


Solo preparer?

Do you use TaxCycle on just one computer? Do you want to keep the Client Manager private from others on your network? Set up a standalone server.

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Multi-user office?

Do you share files and data with other people in your office? Do you need to set up a Client Manager for users to share? Set up a shared server.

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Already set up?

Does your office already have a Client Manager set up on a computer? Connect to an existing server.

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First-Time Client Manager Setup

  1. The first time you open the Client Manager, it looks for servers on your network. If it finds an available server, click the server name to connect to it.
  2. If there is no server, click Set up a server and follow the steps in the configuration wizard.
    • For preparers working alone, the server can reside on the same computer as TaxCycle. It can also be locked down to create a private server that is invisible to other computers on the same network.
    • For firms sharing the server between preparers, this server can reside on a central computer (install TaxCycle and run the wizard there). Once there is a shared server on the network, connect the other computers to it.
  3. Click I don't want to do this now to set up the Client Manager later.

Screen Capture: Client Manager Setup

Open the Client Manager Setup Wizard

If you choose not to set up the Client Manager when you first run TaxCycle, you can re-open the Client Manager setup wizard:

  1. If you are on the Start screen, click on Options in the blue bar on the left. If you have a file open, go to the File menu, then click on Options.
  2. Expand TaxCycle and select Client Manager on the left.
  3. On the right, click the Setup Wizard link.

Screen Capture: Setup Wizard